Users accessing the Atlas will first be taken to the Home page where they can explore what the site has to offer. At the top of the page are four tabs, along with the Home tab, that provides navigation to each of the four pages of the site including Atlas Map Viewer, Map Gallery, Nature-based Solutions and Document. An overview of these pages is presented as the central part of the Home page. Users can access the pages by either clicking on tabs on the top or icons on page overviews.
The Atlas Map Viewer is an interactive geospatial mapping tool that allows users to adjust spatial layers associated with five key areas of importance to sustainable water resource management in the context of climate change: Environment, Soco-economic, Hazards and Climate Change, and Basin Diagnostic Analysis.
The Atlas Map Viewer provides interactive functionality where spatial data layers can be comprehensively presented and explored. The main components of the viewer, as shown in Figure 2, include:
On the Layer List, data layers are divided into four groups: Environment, Socio-economics, Hazard and Climate Change, and Basin Diagnostic Analysis. Each group is further divided into sub-groups consisting of data layers representing similar themes. A list of datasets incorporated into the atlas is attached at the end of this manual for download. Users are able to
When a layer is active on the Layer List, it will be displayed on the Table of Contents (ToC), with the layer name and corresponding symbol displayed as an image on the map frame. The layer legend will be displayed on the legend area (to the right of the map frame – Figure 5). When first visiting the Atlas Map Viewer, the map will automatically display a number of integral layers – the 3S sub-basin boundary and the national boundaries of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, overlain on a third-party Google Map background basemap. These layers are default and cannot be turned off. Other background basemap layers, including OpenStreetMap, Google Imagery, and Esri World Imagery, can be selected from the Background layer button (at the top right of the map frame). This feature enables the user to change the background map display. Another functionality accessible from the top of the map frame is a measuring tool, that allows the user to calculate distances (in both kilmetres and miles) and areas (in hectares) on the map.
Functionality on Map frameOn the top-left of the map frame, zoom icons can be used for zooming in and out of the map, respectively. Alternatively, users can change the map scale by simply scrolling with the mouse. Bellow the zooming tool is a “C” button to clear all map layers from display (except the integrate national and basin boundaries). The map scale is illustrated by a scale bar displayed on the bottom left of the map frame.
The Basin specific zoom function is designed to quickly zoom in to one of 3S basins (Sekong, Sesan or Srepok) or of the 3S as a whole. If one of basin selected, the other basins and surroundings will be faded out in grey.
The Table of Content shows all layers that have been added/are shown on the Map Viewer. Each layer in the table of content is shown in a collapsible box, with the name of layer in header and setting button. By clicking on the setting button, a layer setting box will be shown to change the layer opacity. This can be done by using the slider
Example of using Table of contentSome datasets and layers incorporated into the Atlas comprise multiple data layers or time-series layers (such as the Land cover dataset). On the layer setting box, a slider is available below Layer opacity, that allows users to change the timeline (or other features) of the layer they want to display on the map (e.g., by time or by depth)
Displaying multi-temporal land cover dataset with the time-slider on the map frameClimate projection datasets include temperature and precipitation. When the Climate Change layer is selected from Layer List, a pop-up will appear on the map frame, which allows users to define targetted data layers to be explored, by selecting deferent parameters, such as climate variables (Precipitation or Maximum Temperature), period, projection scenario, and seasons.
Displaying climate projectionsThe 3S map gallery includes an extensive list of detailed and innovative maps on major topics (Figure 11). Maps are classified by themes (Environment, Socio-economic, Hazard and Climate Change, Basin Diagnostic Analysis).
For each map, users can:
This catalogue presents a range of NbS measures with potential to build Sustainable Water Resource Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the 3S sub-basin. On first visiting the catalogue, an introduction to the NbS Catalogue and the NbS Measure Effect matrix is presented. The NbS Measure Effect matrix groups NbS according to five landscape areas – (i) Headwaters, Rivers and Streams; (ii) Reservoirs and Wetlands; (iii) Forests and Grasslands; (iv) Agriculture (Rural, Per-urban); and (v) Urban. To view an individual NbS measure factsheet, users can click on NbS name on the matrix. Information on each NbS measure is displayed on the factsheet, which can also be downloaded as a PDF for offline saving (Figure 13). To go back the Measure Effeact Matrix, users can click on the button on the top right of the NbS list.
NbS catalogueThe Atlas document page provides users with a number tabs – About Project, Basin Diagnostic Analysis, Climate Change Analysis, and Atlas User Manual (this document).
In the About Project section, users can download project reports in PDF format by clicking on the download button on the Project Reports tab, or see a summary of all project activities on the Project Events tab.
The Basin Diagnostic page also presents a number of external references for review.
Document page